Fracking blog:
Now past – but feel free to post a comment below; also look at the fracking page “tab” or click here for articles and fact-check Q/A drop down that I just started (10/8)
Meeting date was on Monday October 6th, 2014 7p.m. to 8:30 p.m.; open to public
This is a heads up that the Jefferson Unitarian Green Task Force has scheduled an educational forum to present a pro and con presentation on fracking. Paul Belanger who is very knowledgeable in this area and has done research in paleoclimatology will moderate. Other panel members will come from industry and the Sierra Club.
The event is scheduled for October 6 at 7:00 in the sanctuary. Mail-in ballots for the November election will go out between October 14 and 16, so this forum should give attendees plenty of information to think about before they fill out their ballots. It will be open to the wider community as well as friends and members of JUC. Mark your calendars and invite your friends. This will be an excellent educational opportunity. We will be sending information to members of the UU Denver-Boulder cluster and will be posting on a variety of web sites.
Please contact me if you are checked out on the sanctuary sound system and are willing to run the system for this event. Thanks so much.
Mary Richards
see more on Fracking tab: Click here
8/4/2014: I am adding an email I sent 7/15/2014 and associated Science articles; please go to the fracking tab/web page ( for that email and associated articles.
Compromise reached: Denver Post 8/5/2014: compromise reached: 20140805 DP fracking Striking a compromise – see Fracking tab for more at click here
I have read the articles, and I think the formation of the task force might serve to reduce political issues, but it does not in any way address the most significant environmental issues. Clearly it will be a compromise that allows fracking in some locations, but does nothing to address water usage and pollution. Even though there will not be ballot initiatives, the problems have not been solved. In fact, the removal of the issues from the ballot will reduce public awareness of the environmental issues and the need to improve the safety of fracking techniques. I believe that this agreement serves the interest of the oil and gas industries much more than those of the public and serves to reduce the momentum of the movement to regulate fracking safety. Evidently, the stock market agrees with me.
I believe we definitely need to have the forum. People need to understand what has happened and what important issues remain to be addressed.
DP editorial this a.m. by Vincent Carroll – Fracking far from over – see DP or link in fracking tab
My slides as moderator are now posted immediately below my bio – click on the fracking tab on the blue bar and have a look. Most slides are for reference for Q/A period
I was disappointed that we never heard one word from John Harpole on the subjects of climate and warming. Neither word appears once in his slides.
There could have been something intended in slide 56 on Bill McKibben – but that slide showed only for a fraction of a second, and the remarks there are not derogatory.
What are Mr. Harpole’s views on climate change and global warming? This is the “bucket” into which I place fracking.
I was thinking about the forum and the panelists, and the proverbial light bulb clicked on in my head. Based on my 40 year membership in Sierra Club and my 5 year association with the oil and gas industry, I finally saw the inverse relationship.
The oil and gas industry is seeking political power in order to gain more money. Meanwhile, the Sierra Club is seeking money in order to gain more political power. Both poles are concerned with their agendas, and show little restraint over the propensity to embellish. The search for accurate information requires a very cautious navigation through the middle.
On the issue of subsidies for the oil and gas industry, both panelists made incorrect statements. My impression is that neither panelist has actually studied the geopolitical history of oil and gas exploration.
See AGU’s recent article on US fugitive gas emissions indicating ~10% +/- 6-7% fugitive gas emissions – see fracking tab or here for specific artilcle: