
Carbon Capture Roundtable and Symposium Slides

CCES Colorado Clean Energy Solutions Carbon Capture Rountable and Symposium October 1, 2009 – FOR MORE INFO/PAST/UPCOMING EVENTS GO TO:
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October 1, 2009: By Author (last name Alpha) – all PDFs

  • Bold Science for Clean Energy: Dr. Alfred (Buz) Brown, CEO Ion Energy:ION is the first clean-tech company to successfully integrate ionic liquids in solutions to capture carbon and other contaminants from gases Enabling: •Economically viable greenhouse gas capture from power plants and other industrial sources •Economic development of highly sour natural gas fields •Enhanced competitiveness for algae-to-fuel and carbon conversion.
  • KEYNOTE: Current CO2 Capture Technology Options and Advanced R&D Pathway Solutions: Jared Ciferno – Technology Manager Existing Plants Program NETL: The National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), part of DOE’s national laboratory system, is owned and operated by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). NETL supports DOE’s mission to advance the national, economic, and energy security of the United States.
  • Carbon Capture Technology for New and Existing Fossil PlantsDurham – ADA Environmental Solutions (NASDAQ:ADES) A Leader in Clean Coal Technology: “ADA Environmental Solutions develops and commercializes innovative technologies to sustain the viability of coal as a critical national resource. We provide cost-effective products to reduce emissions, increase efficiency and improve the competitive position of our customers…”
  • Carbon Capture Technologies: Paul Grimmer – President Eltron Research & Development Inc.: Energy and Fuels – Clean and sustainable energy, novel biofuels synthesis, fuel reforming, gasification, sequestration.…etc….
  • Carbon negative manufacturing: a sensible, cost-effective carbon capture strategy: Deane Little – New Sky Energy: New Sky Energy is the world’s first carbon negative energy and manufacturing company. Our proprietary capture process scrubs CO2 from the air or flue gas and converts it into safe, stable solids. These solids can in turn be incorporated into building materials, durable goods, fertilizers and other manufactured products. By converting CO2 into useful products we give consumers and manufacturers the opportunity to fight global warming simply by making smart buying choices.
  • Catalytic CO2 Recycle (((CCR) Technology CARBON CAPTURE SYMPOSIUM: Ralston – Recycle CO2 (RCO2) Inc.: RCO2 is a Norwegian chemical engineering and technology company established in 2006. We have developed a unique patent pending chemical process which recycles CO2 from any combustion flue gas and converts it into natural gas (methane). The natural gas can be fed back to the combustion process and thus significantly increase fuel efficiency while simultaneously reducing CO2 emissions.
  • KEYNOTE: Carbon Capture and Sequestration – A View from Washington: Mary Anne Sullivan – Hogan & Hartson: From our beginnings in 1904 as a single lawyer operation to our status as one of the top international law firms, Hogan & Hartson carries on a tradition of excellence established by our founder, Frank J. Hogan. As the economy and our clients’ businesses have globalized, so, too, has Hogan & Hartson. What remains constant, however, are the transcending professional and cultural values that distinguish us from other major law firms: our unwavering commitment to client service, excellence, integrity, community service, and diversity, and our recognized industry focus and team-oriented approach.
  • High Temperature, Inorganic Membranes for Hydrogen Production with CO2 Capture: J. Douglas Way – Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO 80401: Research DescriptionThe central theme to all of my research projects is theapplication, study, and synthesis of new materials such as microporous oxides (ceramics and zeolites), metals, and ionic polymers for use in novel separation processes. The separation processes currently under study in my laboratory include organic and inorganic membranes, catalytic membrane reactors, and membranes for PEM fuel cells, applied to energy, environmental and chemical processing