Northwest Geological Society (NWGS) talk May 11, 2021: Paleoceanographic history that led to our understanding of Cenozoic climate history and changing impact for the Pacific Northwest:
HOT TOPICS/NEW posts: updated 11/11/2020:
Biochar Webinars November and December 2020: Click here
Please visit other tabs for updates on activities (particularly Biochar, EEEF and OLLI tabs). For blogs and posts I post on Facebook at links here:
Denver climate study group Facebook blogs I encourage all to keep looking at, or getting notices from Skeptical Science:
Per request:
Older posts in 2017
Saturday August 5th, 2017: The Golden Real Estate talk show takes on climate change
- Paul Belanger, climate scientist and two other CCLers from North Denver were guests on Jim Smith’s half hour radio show tomorrow, Aug 5 at 3 pm –KHOW AM 630. Here is the link
- Images-Real Estate Impacts Phil Nelson
- Science Magazine review Gore 20170728
- –Climate Nexus is a strategic communications group dedicated to highlighting the impacts of climate change and clean energy solutions in the United States.
- – Explaining climate change science & rebutting global warming misinformation
- A revealing interview with top contrarian climate scientists: (click here)
- “…much of Spencer and Christy’s contrarian research has not withstood subsequent scientific scrutiny”
OLLI WEST FALL CLASS – SEPTEMBER 26TH-OCTOBER 31ST – Tuesday a.m. 9:30-11:30: Contemporary Issues Regarding Climate Change and Solutions – Belanger OLLI West FALL 2017 – MORE TO FOLLOW SOON
Special screenings in the next couple of weeks of Al Gore’s new film on climate change–“An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power.” The film received a 10-minute standing ovation at the Cannes Film festival. CLICK HERE FOR MORE DETAILS
- here for details
past teaching at OLLI West & OLLI South – SPRING 2017; click here for details
OLLI WEST LECTURE SERIES APRIL 7TH, 2017: Mitigating & Adapting to our Future: Our major problem is our own Apathy and Inertia / Lack of Political will
– PDF-updated01: Belanger April 7th lecture
– Pptx-updated01: Belanger April 7th lecture
- OLLI SOUTH: Earth’s Climate: Past, Present and Future – concerns and solutions (4th time): Thursdays 9:30-11:30, March 30th-May 18th click here for details
- OLLI WEST: Adapting to our future: Extreme Weather Events, a Worldwide Energy Revolution and Geoengineering options (new course); Mondays 1-3 p.m., March 27th-May15th (possible NREL tourclick here for details
2017 blogs:
Bennet Urges President to Rescind Anti-Climate Executive Order click here for details
GUEST POST by Bill Ritter: Why states are pushing ahead with clean energy despite Trump’s embrace of coal click here for details
Get involved: COME TO OUR Next monthly meeting of the Golden Chapter of Citizens Climate Lobby will be on Saturday April 8 at 1030 AM at Jefferson Unitarian Church. Agenda includes: Tabling on Earth Day, City campaigns, Climate and Science Marches, Climate Solutions Caucus, and guest speaker Katherine Hammack, former Asst. Secretary of the Army for Installations, Energy, and Environment see
Imagining a World After Fossil Fuels – and Denver without a brown-cloud:
From AGU: Responding to Climate Change Deniers with Simple Facts and Logic: A sequence of five questions and answers that can be used by scientists to communicate some simple concepts of climate change to broader audiences. click here for details
Climate Progress with or without Trump: click here for details
Before the Flood – Full Movie | National Geographic: CLICK HERE
- Published on Oct 30, 2016
Join Leonardo DiCaprio as he explores the topic of climate change, and discovers what must be done today to prevent catastrophic disruption of life on our planet.
October 2016 Newsletter: IBI Board commits to ambitious new Vision – 1 Billion tons of biochar per year! International Biochar Initiative added a new video.
BI Board commits to ambitious new Vision – 1 Billion tons of biochar per year!; IBI Memberships Now Available!; IBI Asia Launched in Nanjing, China; International Workshop on Biochar and Sustainable Agriculture; 3rd Asian Pacific Biomass Conference Re-cap; IBI responds to “Current economic obstacles to biochar use in agriculture and climate change mitigation”; Upcoming Calendar Events; Published in ISI journals in October 2016; Connect with IBI Members and Supporters
Climate Skeptics: Peter Ward’s Ozone Depletion Theory.Author comment: “So in summary, his theory is garbage. Hopefully this can help steer people away from his ideas.”
- #1 People don’t listen to scientists#2
- #2 People love an underdog story
- click here for more
The Clinton team studied and rejected the wrong carbon tax; no, the right carbon tax would not be politically “lethal,” despite what hacked campaign emails say – click here
An odd couple for climate: Rep. Gosar & Rep. Polis advocate across the aisle – from Citizens Climate Lobby:
Provoking thought: Which country will be the first to ban fuel-burning cars: Norway, Germany, India? EV cars are at a tipping poing – see Romm’s slices below as well showing how other countries are adopting EV cars much faster than we are:
Exxon boss: “Climate change is ‘real’ and ‘serious’ “:
Climate Change Solutions : What you thought you knew is obsolete. Joe Romm: Keynote address by Dr. Joseph Romm, creator, at the Annual Wirth Sustainability Luncheon in Denver, Colorado, Sept 9, 2016. Dr. Romm is introduced by Senator Wirth – click here; ––and slides-climate-change-solutions-joe-romm
Climate is changing – so too must Agriculture click here
Former Bush Official speaks out on climate change click here
Excellent EEE Forum presentation and discussion yesterday – see EEE forum tab including 2 videos:
Steve Stevens video: The Ethics, Principles and Practice of Personal Sustainability Beyond Net Zero (9/23/15 video) – click here for video; pdf version-click here
Milt Hetrick discussed what he’s doing – and have written a book – see: Living without Fire – just the Sun & Earth: Illustrating a way to retrofit a 1974 home for more sustainable living Paperback – click here
As always – regarding climate questions go to
Also – I recommend the following video: Climate Change Solutions : What you thought you knew is obsolete. Joe Romm click here
And follow my blog-posts at fb and web page
- I have not posted since 6/11; however I have posted prolifically on the Denver Climate Study group face book page ( Many times I have “hijacked” related interest posts from Citizens Climate Lobby – Denver managed by Becky Snell (
- Posts that were shared on Facebook July-September:
- Dark Money is re-shaping Arizona’s energy fights (click he
- World passes 400 ppm “permanently” (click here)
- Clean energy: the not-so-dirty secret to global economic prosperity (click here)
- 2014 as turning point to business as usual regarding climate change; much due to China (click here)
- EU Vote: Paris climate agreement is poised to become binding (click here); Including India (click here)
- Hydropower is dirty (some vetting needed; click here)
- Arctic sea ice – 2016, 2nd lowest (click here)
- 10/3/16 discussion with Obama, Katherine Hayhoe and Leonardo DiCaprio (click here)
- New kind of solar panel? Smart, stores energy and talks? (click here)
- The new 238 mile range Chevy BOLT (click here)
- WATCH: Republican Gov. Kasich went to the White House today to “support something that the president wants.” He explained why… (click here)
- Tesla takes massing energy storage project in L.A. (click here)
- Silent rooftop turbines (click here)
- Solar costs hit new low (click here)
- Senator Cory Garner says candidates who oppose fossil fuels “unfit” for office (click here)
- Posted 8/31: Costa Rica was at 113 days on 100% renewable energy (click here)
- Solutions Project – the world can transition to 100% renewable electricity (click here)
- August 2016 – 91,000 EVs sold in Europe in first half 2016 (click here)
- US to create nationwide network of EV charging stations click here
- Katherine Hayhoe on climate and our choices click here
- California’s environmental policies are Bellwether for Economic growth – keep in mind 10th largest world economy click here
- NOAA July 2016 global analysis click here
- 2nd edition Bill Hay’s book: Experimenting on a small Planet: a history of Scientific Discoveries, a future of climate change and global warming – 2016 click here
- Making snow in summer illustrates need for a carbon tax click here
- Yale Climate connections: Me vs. We: rethiking personal guilt click here
- Climate change and Colorado’s air quality click here
- Arctic Ice since 1990 video click here
- Nuclear Energy: Key to climate fight, or dangerous diversion? click here
- Climate change and Colorado’s air quality click here
- Arctic Ice since 1990 video click here
- Nuclear Energy: Key to climate fight, or dangerous diversion? click here
- Trump may be making replublicans increasingly doubt global warming click here
- Making sense of climate science denial (MOOC course) click here
- High CO2 levels inside and out: double Whammy? click here
- Oil price dilemma: the world may just need less fossil fuels to get by click here
- GOP and Democratic platforms: stark differences on energy and climate click here
- These are the best arguments from 3% of climate scientist skeptics? – Really? click here
- Australia appoints “Mr Coal” as new climate change ministerclick here
- Climate Inaction figures; campaign launches to combat Anti-Science Absurdity, promote a price on carbon click here
- Steve House is working to redefine the Republican vision despite rocky start click here
- You’ll never believe how cheap new solar power is click here
- Jim Probst: We ignore climate change at what cost? click here
- GAS PRICES FACT: Republican Politicians Want To Cut Big Oil’s Taxes Even More (from 2012) click here
- On Monday, Will Senators Stand With The 99 Percent Or With Big Oil? (from 2012) click here
- GAS PRICES FACT: Republican Politicians Oppose Ending Taxpayer Handouts To Big Oil (from 2012)click here
- MIT announces Campaign for a Better World Comprehensive fundraising initiative aims to raise $5 billion to advance Institute’s work on some of the world’s biggest challenges. click here
- New Energy Colorado (NECO) 501 c 3 education arm for COSEIA (Colorado Solar Energy Industry Associates)
- It’s not your imagination: Climate change is making Colorado summers hotter and stickier click here
- Exxon Is Still Helping Fund The Spread Of Climate Denial click here
- Here’s A Look At How Catholic Churches Are Taking Pope Francis’ Climate Encyclical To Heart click here
- AMAZING: The promise of solar power, made a century ago click here
- Exxon Touts Carbon Tax to Oil Industry click here
- Electricity in US, Canada and Mexico will be at 50% carbon-free in 9 years click here
- Top science groups tell climate change doubters in Congress to knock it off click here
- Falling Renewable Energy Prices Threaten Energy Storage. Here’s What We Need to Do. click here
- One year later, how a Pope’s message on climate has resonated click here
- The Second-Largest City In The U.S. Is On The Verge Of Being 100 Percent Renewable
- (click here for story)
- From Science alert (click here):
Scientists have figured out how to turn CO2 into solid rock within months. (click here for Science article)
Question might be at what cost and how much can we sequester.
Another solution is Biochar – see my page on this at
- June 9th PUC meeting 4- 6 p.m. – follow up:
- Ron Larson and I both spoke up in 2.5 hour hearing from the public – links, if they exist will follow.
- Speak out for Solar Thursday, June 9th at PUC hearing 4-6 p.m. – speak out for solar/renewables! PLEASE DISSEMINATE!
- Click here for email details about PUC meeting June 9th from Colorado Solar Energy Industries Association (COSEIA) requesting your participation at the meeting and/or if you cannot make it a request to let yourself be heard. SolarCoalitionhandout:
- Ron Larson and I are both on the board for New Energy Colorado (NECO), a non-profit education are of COSEIA: – HAVE a look/give us feedback
Neat Temperature visualization: (click here)
5/9: (updates coming from my Facebook posts – (click here if you have facebook)
Climate Change Guide ·The solar industry employs 3 times more workers than coal mining in the United States!
“By the end of 2015, it employed a whopping 208,859 solar workers – more than tripling the 67,929 employed in coal-mining, and eclipsing the 187,200 employed in oil and gas extraction for the very first time.” via The Climate Council
- ·Republicans & Democrats Agree: U.S. Security Demands Global Climate Action (click here)
Bloomberg: Earth’s Temperature Just Shattered the Thermometer – click here
National Academies Press: Analytic Research Foundations for the Next-Generation Electric Grid (2016)
- Here’s What Science Has To Say About Convincing People To Do Something About Climate Change – click here
Global warming may be far worse than thought, cloud analysis suggests – click here
RELATED: Herman Daly’s Steady State Economics:
Wind, solar are crushing fossil fuel (click here)
- A personal comment: For those that say it can’t be done, I say “GET OUT OF THE WAY OF THOSE THAT ARE DOING IT!”
- 3/29:
Starts Wednesday 3/30: Earth’s Climate: Past, Present and Future and Reasons for Concern and potential solutions – 8 weeks: Wednesday a.m. March 30th – May 18th, 2016; (click here for details)
- Great Barrier Reef Coral Bleaching: Heat stress linked to climate change is likely playing a central role in the bleaching event causing a widespread coral die-off in Australia’s iconic Great Barrier Reef. The devastation was recently brought to light thanks to video and photo documentation released by the CoralWatch team, a citizen science project led by Professor Justin Marshall from the University of Queensland. This past Sunday, the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority raised the bleaching alert threat level to a peak of three, triggering its highest level of response to “severe regional bleaching” in the northernmost quarter of the 133,000 square mile park. (News: Guardian, Sydney Morning Herald $, Think Progress, VICE News, Mashable, EcoWatch, Times $, CNN. Commentary: Smithsonian, Jason Daley analysis, Brisbane Times, Andrew Picone op-ed)
The Early Anthropocene Hypothesis: An Update (click here)
- For over a decade, paleoclimate scientists have argued whether the warmth of the last several thousand years was natural or anthropogenic. This brief comment updates that debate…..
New survey finds a growing climate consensus among meteorologists (click here) and more on FB at
see other posts at CitizensClimateLobbyDenverChapter/
and see and their daily newsletter: changing the conversation on climate and clean energy solutions in the United States.
- 3/15: Attribution of Extreme Weather Events in the Context of Climate Change (2016)
National Academy of Science: (Click here for free PDF download)
- As climate has warmed over recent years, a new pattern of more frequent and more intense weather events has unfolded across the globe. Climate models simulate such changes in extreme events, and some of the reasons for the changes are well understood. Warming increases the likelihood of extremely hot days and nights, favors increased atmospheric moisture that may result in more frequent heavy rainfall and snowfall, and leads to evaporation that can exacerbate droughts.
- 3/10: repeating posts in Denver climate study group Facebook
FOR TEACHERS: For teachers who want to teach the science behind climate change, this multimedia learning experience for students may be worth checking out. You can sign up to get it here –>
Sen. Matt Jones: West’s legacy depends on clean power system (CLICK HERE)
Most Americans Disagree With Their Congressional Representative On Climate Change (CLICK HERE)
EPA ozone data a jolt for Denver (CLICK HERE)
Every single state had temperatures warmer than “normal.” (CLICK HERE)
- 3/2:
Register for March 11th, workshop: Climate & Colorado’s Water Future;…/506-climate-a-colorados…
- 2/25:
Colorado Renewable Energy Society Meeting (CRES) tonight: How To End Utilities’ Love Affair with Fossil Fuel. Ron Binz – click here for more info
Letter to AGU to cut EXXON: See the letter itself within the link of AGU’s reply (click here). Also see AGU’s clumate statement calling for urgent action at this link:…/files/2013/10/AGU_Climate_Statement_n…
FROM PNAS: Seas are now rising faster than they have in 2,800 years, scientists say: (CLICK HERE)
If you are on Facebook friend and see other posts at
- 2/11:
see Denver Climate Study group facebook page (CLICK HERE) where I post items and re-post many here; also see CCL Colorado facebook page (click here):
EEE meeting Monday 2/15 at Iliff 2 to 4 p.m.: Geoengineering and Carbon Pricing: Two Responses to Climate Change – click EEE tab (or click here)
from JPL:Study: Long-Term Global Warming Needs External Drivers (click here)
California And Massachusetts Lead U.S. Solar Boom (click here)
Unusually warm Arctic winter stuns scientists with record low ice extent for January (click here)
With Obama’s plan blocked, two Florida legislators are trying to turn the tide on Capitol Hill. (click here)
- 1/30:
- Supplement to my post on January 21st: Wind, solar power soaring in spite of bargain prices for fossil fuels (click here)
- 1/27:
a reply: Let free market address climate change
Facebook page for
An Interstate for renewable energy (click here)
Oil under $30 a barrel carries dangers for Colorado economy (click here)
Supreme Court Rules In Favor Of Renewable Energy And Cheap Electricity (click here)
- 1/25: Upcoming events Thursday 1/28 & Saturday 2/6: DOING RATHER THAN LISTENING:
1) Th Jan 28: Taking the Climate Challenge. How to Create Concrete Plans to Lower Your Climate Impact. 7pm, sanctuary Jefferson Unitarian; Address: 14350 W 32nd Ave, Golden, CO 80401
In Taking the Climate Challenge participants will decide on a challenge they want to take on and then develop a plan on how to get there that has measurable results. We’re using a process called “rapid prototyping” with several facilitators helping us get there. This process is astoundingly effective and you might want to use it for completely different planning scenarios in the future. We’ll be joined by Kat Haber who also organized TEDx events.
FLYER – ClimateColorado
2) Sat, Feb 6: Workshop: Bringing the Climate Accord home: Decarbonizing One Community At a Time. Jefferson Unitarian
; Address: 14350 W 32nd Ave, Golden, CO 80401, (9:30a-2:30p, chapel)
“Bringing the Climate Accord home” event is a nuts & bolts workshop led by Leslie Glustrom and Ken Regelson (both having spoken here before) and will help you gain the skills needed to help decarbonize your community’s electricity–the largest single step that can be taken in states like Colorado to do our part to address climate change. With a combination of inspiring speakers and hands-on trainings you will leave with the tools YOU need to do your part to bring the Paris Climate Accords to YOUR community. There’s a $30/$15 fee (includes lunch) but no one is turned away. Co-Sponsored with 350 Colorado. Clean Energy Action, and Frack Free Denver.
- January 22nd:
International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)’s Report: “Renewable Energy Benefits: Measuring the Economics” provides the first quantification of the macroeconomic impact of doubling the global share of renewables in the energy mix by 2030: 92 page report link (click here)
- January 21st:
Why clean energy is now expanding even when fossil fuels are cheap; Washington post article article by Chris Mooney reporting about Bloomberg New Energy Finance: (click here)
What Will It Take For America To Go 100 Percent Renewable? (click here)
– It took just three years for three U.S. cities to make the transition to 100 percent clean energy:Greensburg, KS, Burlington, VT and Aspen, CO.
-Remember there’s more at: where Ken Regelson suggests the nation in 20 years.
- January 6-7th:
see venue change for Golden – CCL meeting on Saturday 1/9 meeting below January 4th
Ethics and Ecological Economics Forum (EEE) Meeting Monday January 11th at Iliff, 2 to 4:15:After Paris Conference on Climate Change; What Lies Ahead?
all invited see EEE tab ( for more info
- January 5th:
The power of the nudge to change our energy future: (Click here)
Article addresses the psychology – Ken Regelson’s web page deals with the realities of how it can happen – have a look there: as well as his fb page:
Is Carbon Capture really too expensive to capture: (Click here)
maybe by the conventional means mentioned in this artcicle; HOWEVER, it ignores other sequestration methods – notable BIOCHAR – SEE Biochar tab:
BOTH ARE EXAMPLES of the paradigm shift we need to make from “it’s too expensive” or “it’ll take umpteen years to pay for itself” to thinking more than ourselves – or even our kids and grandkids. What right do we have to use non-renewable resources JUST for ourselves without a thought of the future (never mind the AGW issues)
- January 4TH: HAPPY NEW YEAR (venue update 1/6/2015)
Next meeting of the CITIZENS CLIMATE LOBBY GOLDEN Chapter: 10:30 AM,Saturday January 9 Highland Rescue, 317 S. Lookout Mountain Rd.
- Directions: Drive west on I70 and take exit 256. Go west on US 40 about 1.5 miles. Turn right on Lookout Mtn road where it Ts into US 40. Highland Rescue is 300 ft on the left. {From Evergreen, take exit 254, cross over, and come down US 40 about 1 mile, turn left}
SEE CCL Colorado facebook Page and Denver Climate Study Group facebook page
- December 23rd, 2015
Hot News from Climate Nexus: Cities Defend Clean Power Plan (CPP), Republicans Support Paris Agreement, and more: climate nexus 20151223
- December 18th, 2015
Congress Passes Tax Credits for Solar and Wind: ‘Sausage-Making at Its Most Intense’ – click here
And new FaceBook Page; pleases “like”
- December 17th, 2015:
NOAA’s state of the climate; Global analysis – click here
DeSmogblog: Exxon to hire climate scientist – click here
Climate Nexus – IEA; Energy and climate change report on costs 16.5 Trillion $ – click here;
- The International Energy Agency estimated that the total global cost of the deal would be $16.5 trillion, which is at first glance a shocking figure. However, the IEA also projects that the 187 countries that signed on to the Paris Agreement are already set to invest $68 trillion in energy, regardless of the climate deal.
related: World Energy outlook – click here
COP21 Event video: U.S. Special Envoy for Climate Change Todd Stern on the Outcome of the 2015 U.N. Climate Conference
WHY WE SHOULD TREAT SRM (Solar Radiation Management – aka albedo modification) AND CDR (Carbon dioxide removal) SEPARATELY – JOSHUA B. HORTON – click here
National Academy Press/NAS: Climate intervention, part 1: Climate Intervention Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) and Reliable Sequestration
National Academy Press/NAS: Climate intervention, part 2: Albedo modification – formerly known as Solar Radiation Management (SRM)
- December 14th, 2015:
Scientific American: World’s First Global Deal to Combat Climate Change Adopted in Paris (click here – not sure if you have to be a subscriber or not)
- December 13th, 2015:
Potential Energy game changer: German fires up fusion reactor:
Climate Nexus news: Tracking climate change (click here)
Replies by Scott Kelley, Doug Alde and Susan Williams to December 6th post below (Eight ways to save the Earth (Bloomberg/Denver Post – click her for original post)
AND to replies by Jeannie Dunham, Mary Richards and Judy Danielson to KOA’s out of touch Kaminsky article last week on the Climate conference (click here for original post):
CLICK HERE Denver post OPEN FORUM replies 20151213 – further down the pdf
- December 12th, 2015:
Paris talks (official site:
Nearly 200 nations near historic deal to slow global warming (Denver Post – click here)
- December 11th, 2015:
Golden CCL to meet 10:30 a.m. Saturday 12/12, Jefferson Unitarian, Mills bldg.
Scientific American perspective: (click here)
Guardian – day 12:
Skeptical wind-energy-key-climate-solution
Facebook page to investigate: Climate change guide:
- December 8-10th, 2015:
Guardian – day 9 (no posts received for days 7 and 8); Paris talk links from the Guardian (click here – click on search and enter Paris climate talks):
- December 7th, 2015:
Guardian – day 6:
- Russia pledges not to stand in the way of Paris climate deal
- Paris climate talks yield first draft amid air of optimism
- Arnold Schwarzenegger says climate campaigns need to focus on ‘right now’ not 2050
- Coalition of business leaders challenges 2C climate change target
- The key players at the climate Paris summit
National Academy of Sciences (PNAS): Corporate funding and ideological polarization about climate change FundingClimateDeniers,PNAS2015
Nature – Climate change: Network structure and influence of the climate
change counter-movement (11 Mbytes): (Click here)
Skeptical Science weekly digest (click here)
- December 6th, 2015:
Elders climate action newsletter – click here
Eight ways to save the Earth (Bloomberg/Denver Post – click here) – includes winning conservatives implementing a carbon tax. (If you’re a DP reader you’ll be discouraged to read Kaminsky/KOA post on p. 4D still claiming no temperature rise since 1997 and that we’re detached from reality – get real, eh!)
BRAVO!: Denver aims to cut carbon emissions 80 percent by 2050 (click here for the 12/3 Denver Post story)
- December 5th, 2015:
The most recent version of GSA’s (Geological Society of America) position statement on climate change:; includes a number of references that document the limited effect of solar variations on currently observed changes in climate.
Contrary to popular belief most academic geologists are on board regarding AGW (Anthropogenic Global Warming).
Also see AGU’s (American Geophysical Union) statement (click here: “Human‐Induced Climate Change Requires Urgent Action”)
- December 4th, 2015: Paris talks (official site: – days 3, 4 and 5; for earlier (older posts) see below)
reading list for day 5 and this weekend
- Weekend reading
reading list from the Guardian for days 3 &4
- MUST SEE: 100% Renewable Electric Energy in 20 Years (click here for that – 11:44 minutes); and also look at this: To Allow Lots of Renewables, Baseload Coal & Nuclear Must Go (3 min): (click here)
- December 4th, 2015: More on EV and Batteries:
How much cleaner are battery powered electric cars vs gasoline powered cars (click here for 2:18 minute video from Union of Concerned Scientists)
Electric car battery technology and the future – documentary: (click here; 57:57 minutes)
- December 1- November 30th, 2015: Paris talks (official site:
Day 2 – The Guardian – (click here)
Scientific American: report: do or die; the global-climate-summit-in-paris
Scientific American: article:the-most-important-number-in-climate-change
Scientific American: Why Climate Skeptics Are Wrong (click here)
Scientific American: Video: consequences of climate change (click here)
Paris Climate Conference: Earth is a warmer place since 1997 climate talks
(click here for story)
Obama speaks at opening of Paris Talks (click here for story); Denver Post (click here)
at home: resistance
Senate Republicans Promised To Undermine The Paris Climate Negotiations (click here for story)
Fiorina calls Obama delusional (click here for story)
How much does animal agriculture and meat contribute to global warming – interesting flow chart!
Day 1 – The Guardian (click here)
- November 28th, 2015:
To Allow Lots of Renewables, Baseload Coal & Nuclear Must Go (3 min):
The myth of needing a Baseload (Balance is on the grid is essential): note that many islands have no baseload coal or nuclear at all (many of Hawaiian islands for example).
courtesy of Ken Regelson:
- November 24th, 2015/updated 11/29:
United Nations Conference on climate change: November 30th – December 11th, 2015:
California & Governor Jerry Brown – An Environmental Leader, Eyes A Key Role In Climate Talks (click here):
- “And he met with Chinese leaders in September. The reason for all these meetings? “Troglodytes,” he says. That’s what Brown calls those who doubt climate change.”
MUST SEE: 100% Renewable Electric Energy in 20 Years (click here for that) and Ken Regelson’s web page); and also look at this: To Allow Lots of Renewables, Baseload Coal & Nuclear Must Go (3 min): (click here)
Actions you can do
used electric cars with Colorado rebates (click here)
4 more:
– Amendment 37+ Renewable Energy Standard to 60%?
– Million solar roofs by ’25
– Carbon Fee with dividend
– CEBOR – Colorado Energy Bill of Rights
Elders Climate Action (click here)
- November 19th, 2015: El Niño ‘is here, and it is huge,’ as officials race to prep for winter (click here)
- November 9th, 2015: NREL SOLAR ROUND TABLE Th 11/12: Let’s get back on track with solar energy in Colorado. Hosted by Environment Colorado (click here for their home page)
- November 8th, 2015:
- Students watch glaciers melt, dive into the world’s coral reefs, and explore bike share programs all from their tablet! The Story of Climate Change is a new, active way of learning through multimedia to connect middle school students beyond pages and vocabulary words into the practical applications of climate science.
- Each of The Story of Climate Change’s six chapters includes informative videos, fun interactive resources, critical thinking activities, as well as review and discussion questions to reinforce unit concepts. Keep students in tune with the latest climate science and research—all for FREE!
- Dr. James E. Hansen, former NASA scientist and current Director of Program on Climate Science, Awareness, and Solutions at Columbia University endorsed the Story of Climate Change, “A story children need to read—and understand.”
- We also offer a FREE Teacher’s Guide for download, fully equipped with handy resources to help educators make the most out of every chapter.
- November 4th, 2015:
- Belanger Presentation to Capitalism vs. the Earth Belanger where do we go from here-Capitalism vs planet 20151104
- 25+ Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint (CLICK HERE)
- October 26th, 2015: “CLIMATE 101″ WITH BILL NYE
- Take Climate 101 with Bill Nye (the Science Guy) and you’ll be schooled in the scientific fundamentals of climate change in under 5 minutes. Separate fact from fiction, and we can end the debate and denial and move on to solutions, together. Thank you Kathy Doyle!
And a complementary how GHGs work:;
- October 25th, 2015: COOL IT
- And I just got the latest November National Geographic issue “Cool it – the climate issue” – looks good so far.
- 2nd, 2015: Exxon Science vs. Exxon Misinformation science:
- And the lower right box (that states: “ExxonMobil has always advocated for good public policy that is based on sound science. We will continue to do that despite criticism from those who make unsupported and inaccurate claims about our company” – Ken Cohen, Exxon VP of public & Gov’t affairs, 2015) makes you wonder on how much to believe this web page link of Exxon regarding their stated carbon policy statement:
- October 22nd, 2015: Transparent solar cells?
- Part of Solutions for our future: something my daughter sent me: – see more in my week 7 and week 8 OLLI class links on the OLLI tab
- What NREL is doing for efficiency, Renewables (solar PV/CSP, wind, geothermal, etc.), systems analysis, biofuels, etc –
- And a link to a Presentation by NREL’s David Warner 10/14/2015 to OLLI class “Capitalism and the Planet”: OSHER 10.14.15
- October 19th, 2015: FACT SHEET: White House Announces Commitments to the American Business Act on Climate Pledge – “….81 companies will have signed the American Business Act on Climate Pledge to demonstrate their support for action on climate change and the conclusion of a climate change agreement in Paris that takes a strong step forward toward a low-carbon, sustainable future”…. click here for details
- October 12th, 2015:
- Exxon’s past role: Exxons Climate Concealment NOreskes-NYTimes
- IN COMPARISON TO Current positions of Exxon and others: – damage done; better late than never – move on work on solutions!
Conoco Phillips: lame links to being “sustainable climate change position is fully aligned with out vision”
BP: you have to search at to find statements (vs. US sites); see various links at and in this one citing 6 companies seeking carbon pricing: - Republican pledges $175 million to push party on climate Read more:
- Global Food Companies Unite On Climate Action
- In Joint Letter Released Today, Chief Executive Officers of 10 Leading Food Companies Call on U.S. and World Leaders to Act Swiftly and Decisively:
- Carbon fee/dividend:
- October 6th, 2015: Climate Change Is Not Our Fault – got your attention? read on:
- ……”That’s because the real truth is this: While triggering climate change might not be our fault, not doing everything we can about it now that we know it’s happening — that would be our fault. Worse, it would be our failure as a species.” More at this link: “We did it by mistake. We did it using the gifts evolution bequeathed to us.” …”150 years ago when we started building that fossil-fuel based civilization, we had no idea of what we were doing.”
There’s been a lot of benefit, but now that we know what we are doing, if we don’t do anything about it, about making change to a new non-carbon based energy source.- “While triggering climate change might not be our fault, not doing everything we can about it now that we know it’s happening — that would be our fault. Worse, it would be our failure as a species.”
- October 5th, 2015 – just posted on FB – but somehow disappeared: We need a social paradigm shift
- Building a mud hut from scratch: This is a good example to illustrate how we need a paradigm shift away from the “we can’ts or it costs too much”, etc. regarding dealing with climate change. For those that say climate change is all GLOOM AND DOOM, I SAY: NO, instead look at it as a challenge; humanity has always been challenged – WE CAN DO IT! As quoted earlier – from What we know about Climate change by Kerry Emanuel.
- p.75-76; comment on p. 75 to “…we could elect and do nothing and gamble on a benign outcome. But if we are wrong we will saddle our grandchildren and their descendents (sic) with enormous problems. At the other, we could make serious economic and other tangible sacrifices that might prove unnecessary.”
e.g. curb use of fossil fuels independent of climate/GHGs issues: At what point do we encourage alternative energy sources, despite some greater cost to us now, let’s bank it for our children - which leads to this quote on p. 76: “…costs may be high and those paying them are not likely to be serious beneficiaries of their own actions. Indeed, there are few, if any, historical examples of civilizations consciously making sacrifices on behalf of descendents (sic) two or more generations removed.”
- That’s what the discount rate is about. In that regard we need a social paradigm shift
- If we are so concerned about leaving a national debt to our children and grandchildren, shouldn’t we put the costs of climate change as part of that equation?
- For those that don’t accept climate change maybe it would be a good thing to limit CO2 into the atmosphere anyway, especially at the rates we are putting it into the atmosphere – BECAUSE OF OCEAN ACIDIFICATION issues and the law of unintended consequences!
- and see Governor Ritter’s Sunday 10/4/2015 Perspective Opinion piece:
- October 2nd, 2015: Record warmest September for Denver area by 1.1 degrees F, eclipsing normal average by 6 degrees – click here for article
- 9/28/2015 – from National Academies Press: 3rd edition: On Being a Scientist; a guide to responsible conduct in research NAP on being a scientist 12192 click here
- 9/21/2015: Point/Counterpoint Denver Post 9/20/2015 on Pope Francis:
- Point: George Will: Francis’ fact-free flamboyance – The Denver Post, 2015-09-20
Counter-Point: Jerry Kotas Care for our common home – The Denver Post, 2015-09-20 - NEW ARTICLE FROM JIM HANSEN HANSEN 20150921_IceMeltPredictions
- October 4th, 2015: details – click link below:
Community Climate Courage: A Public Film/Discussion/Action Forum (Screening of “Wisdom To Survive: Capitalism, Climate Change and Community”)
- 9/12/2015: we need a social paradigm shift
- Book prerequisite request to my OLLI course (click on OLLI tab – or click here): What we know about Climate change by Kerry Emanuel.
p.75-76; comment on p. 75 to “…we could elect and do nothing and gamble on a benign outcome. But if we are wrong we will saddle our grandchildren and their descendents (sic) with enormous problems. At the other, we could make serious economic and other tangible sacrifices that might prove unnecessary.”
e.g. curb use of fossil fuels independent of climate/GHGs issues: At what point do we encourage alternative energy sources, despite some greater cost to us now, let’s bank it for our children - which leads to this quote on p. 76: “…costs may be high and those paying them are not likely to be serious beneficiaries of their own actions. Indeed, there are few, if any, historical examples of civilizations consciously making sacrifices on behalf of descendents (sic) two or more generations removed.”
- That’s what the discount rate is about. In that regard we need a social paradigm shift
- 9/9/2015 – save the date: EEE meeting Monday 9/14/2015 2p.m. : click here for details
- 9/9/2015: Climate change – a burning issue in Paris | FT World – YouTube link: worth the watch
- *7/17/2015: Is there a mini ice age on the – as claimed by various denier sites stirring the pot (e.g. here)? See SkS post: No – it’s just another attempt to throw a curve ball your way – and not the first time: No, the sun isn’t going to save us from global warming Posted on 16 July 2015 by dana1981
- 7/13/2015: OLLI WEST Course announcement: Earth’s climate: past, present and future and reasons for concern:
Description and syllabus available at - …and you might also be interested in an OLLI South class Capilalism vs. Planet Earth by Gary or OLLI South Fall 2015capitalism vs the planet
- ALSO: Making Sense of Climate Science Denial — a self-paced MOOC course
- 7/7/2015 — A: Colorado Matters: Could Conservative Denver Billionaire (Phil Anschutz) Become West’s Climate Hero?
- It’s an argument of engaging energy companies vs. “dissing” them for renewables. See more at:
- excerpt: “This will generate four times the amount of power that comes out of Hoover Dam. It would supply every household in Los Angeles and San Francisco combined with green power.”
- * 7/7/2015 — B: Pope’s encyclical 2015.05.24 papa-francesco_20150524_enciclica-laudato-si – read it – it’s NOT just about climate change!
- And a commentary by Peter Sawtell: The Encyclical and Bold Dialogue:
- 6/6/2015: Science publishes new NOAA analysis: Data show no recent slowdown in global warming.
- SUMMARY article in Science: lost and found; Earth’s missing heatCarolyn Gramling, June 6, 2015 Science-2015-Gramling-1066-7click here
- FULL length article in Science: Possible artifacts of data biases in the recent global surface warming hiatus, Karl et al., June 5, 2015 Science-2015-Karl-science.aaa5632 click here
- * 6/2/2015 – The backfire effect; what happens when you challenge people on their worldview be it climate change, evolution, weapons of mass destruction, vaccinations, fracking: View this YouTube video:
- SOLUTION?: According to the lecture, “the evidence tells us that neutralising [the negative effect of misconceptions] won’t happen through engagement with the minority who deny climate science. Instead, it requires communication with the large, undecided majority. For this group, who are open to evidence, we need to explain two things – the science of climate change, and how that science can be distorted.” This means that the best way to approach individuals who are undecided about climate change is to talk to them about the science first and then explain the distortion of that science(supportive slides – click here).
- * 5/27/2015: Is there a warming slow-down? see post Skeptical Science: Making sense of the slowdown in surface global cooling. Excerpt:
“The slowdown in global warming is a subject of intense study. Is it a real physical effect, or a few chance cool years, or something more complex? Could it have been predicted? Can we understand it in retrospect? The following lecture and commentary from the Denial101x course attempt to summarize recent work on the subject. However it is a very fast-moving field, so this summary can only cover a small fraction of the material and will quickly become out-of-date (if it is not already so).” read on for extensive discussion
and video.
- * 5/20/2015: Making sense of climate denial:
I’m in the 3rd week (to date of the 4th week; 7 total). You can download the video, transcripts and handouts.
I encourage all to at least look at week one, An overview of the climate controversy focusing on the consensus, psychology of denial and the spread of denial – the most tedious but I think the most rewarding. The others will be most factual to counter the things that are constantly misused to confuse and deceive the public for what are clearly political and ideological reasons – NOT scientific ones! Making Sense of Climate Science Denial
- personal comment: “It’s time we all realize that yes, oil and gas helped us achieve what we have but it’s time and necessary to move on and step up to the plate for the next energy phase of humanity – for environmental, economic (we do eventually run out – ok – if not “run out” then non-economic), sustainable reasons.”
- Triggered by Desmogblog email link whereby CERA “One of this year’s CERAweek themes was a “Turning Point for the Global Oil Industry.” However, the turning point discussed was not how to deal with the impact of oil production and consumption on the climate, but instead on how to deal with all the new fracked oil coming out of the U.S. — and how to increase that production.”
- * 5/5/2015: new post: Bjorn Lomborg on “It’s time to stop subsidizing fossil fuels” – click here; ….
- Phasing out fossil fuel subsidies is an obvious target for the world’s next development goals. The world spends $548 billion subsidizing fossil fuels,
- * 5/4/2015: new post: Why Climate Denial science is just hot air
- * 4/20/2015:
- * Artificial Photosynthesis Advance Hailed As Major Breakthrough – click here – a new game changer?
- * Apple is continuing to take a strong stance against climate change, writing in its newly released 2015 Environmental Responsibility Report, “We don’t want to debate climate change. We want to stop it.”
- * 4/15/2015: The race for renewable energy has passed a turning point; renewables overtake new fossil fuel capacity (original post from Yahoo disappeared so here’s one from Bloomberg 7/13/2015).
- * 4/13/2015: April 23rd: “Earth Day Commemoration: Divest from the Old Way and Re-Invest in the New Way” – Click here for details
- A little humor: What if we create a better world
- *4/10/2015 – update to Methane maps at bottom of this page:
- *4/10/2015: A series on climate change worth watching. The climate change issues are not so much about climate change as much as how it affects our sustainability and economic way of life:
- * PART 1: Climate Science: What You Need To Know (You Tube: 7.5 mins): click here
- Related (but much longer: 1 hour and 1/2):What We KNOW About Climate Change – Kerry Emanuel
- * PART 2: FEATURED AT OUR GATHERING: A History of Earth’s Climate (YouTube: 6 mins) – click here
- Related (but much longer: 1 hour), 4/13/2015 new post: Hour long lecture at Rutgers by George Marshall – click here
- *The Sixth Extinction (9 mins):
- *4/9/2015: A History of Earth’s Climate – click here YouTube 11 minutes
Published on May 27, 2013: Earth had a climate long before we showed up and started noticing it and it’s influenced by a whole series of cycles that have been churning along for hundreds of millions of years. In most cases those cycles will continue long after we’re gone. A look at the history of climate change on Earth can give us some much needed perspective on our current climate dilemma because the surprising truth is, what we’re experiencing now is different than anything this planet has encountered before. So, let’s take a stroll down Climate History Lane and see if we can find some answers to a question that’s been bugging Hank a lot lately – just how much hot water are we in?
- *4/6/2015: Have a look at a new Yale study on climate change:
- * 3/30/2015: Allen Best’s Energy Potential; interview with Stanford’s Sally Benson: Denver Post link or Alan Best pdf. See more on Allen’s web page
- 3/19/2015: NOAA Global Analysis about significant climate anomalies – February 2015
- * 12/22/2014: TWO positive black swans/potential game changers -update:
- 1. ENERGY (see more on Energy tab) BIG ENERGY NEWS – FUSION: Lockheed says makes breakthrough on fusion energy project: See and
- comment from Ron Larson (with permission): “The lead person is a Dr. Thomas McGuire, talking in a video. I am hoping for their success – and for moving faster than they are projecting.Their claim is they are predicting success because they are going smaller than previous fusion programs. I like that. If successful, they can replace a lot of renewables in the electrical market area. But decentralized solar could be unaffected if the fusion costs aren’t very very low (I have seen nothing on fusion costs – but they could be quite low if as small as they project for 100,000 population size). They can do a lot of thermal loads, but not the small ones. They will be doing little in replacing most fuel needs – but they are targeting airplanes.
- All in all – good news for replacing fossil fuels. Makes it much easier for renewables to replace the remainder.
- Interesting to me because they claim they are duplicating the sun. Also, part of my analytical background is in plasmas.”
- 2. MITIGATION – Carbon negative technology: (see more on OTHER tab – BIOCHAR)
- * 12/3/2014: New Climate Initiative (see more on Climate tab – under development)
WHITE HOUSE Office of Science and Technology Policy: December 3, 2014 – Lifting America’s Game in Climate Education, Literacy, and Training
- * November 2014: Fracking/Methane: (see more on Fracking/Methane tab)
- update 4/10/2015 – see
- METHANE: FUGITIVE GASES: NASA – Methane hot spot Northern New Mexico (at issue – maps do not agree):
- Denver post, Sunday 11/16/2014 – front range assessment – from the bottom up and from the top down: DP 2014-11-16 DIRTY AIR
- AGU: