OLLI – WEEK 8, November 3rd, 2015;
and Thursday’s NICL/Ice Core Lab field trip, November 5th, 2015
Week 8: CONTINUED FROM WEEK 7 (CLICK HERE) What are the economics/What are the solutions?
What are the economics/What are the solutions?
- Economics
- of doing nothing (solely adapting) vs. the economics of mitigation
- Actual will likely be a combination
- Capitalism, GDP/growth based economics vs. “Herman Daly” economics (no-growth/steady-state)
- Solutions? Paradigm shift? From we can’t/too expensive to WE CAN
- There is promise, but at what cost? (One might be surprised).
- Energy
- Mitigation – Agricultural revolution/biofuels: Biochar for Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR)
- Geoengineering:
- Solar Radiation Management (SRM) and
- Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR)
- Biochar vs. BECCS solutions SEE MY BIOCHAR LINK IN OTHER PAGES:https://denverclimatestudygroup.com/?page_id=28
- Efficiency – the single quickest way to reduce:
- What NREL is doing: Efficiency, Solar, wind, other
- Other strategies:
- CCL – carbon fee/dividend
- Cap and trade?
- Gloom and Doom? NO! IT’S A CHALLENGE, and humanity has always been challenged and we are an adaptable species that has met the challenge over and over again!
This week’s slides: TO BE POSTED
Attachments: TO BE POSTED
1. The 10-person Lockheed team possibly has contained a plasma already – but almost certainly no fusion.
2. There was more Aviation Week site. SEE:
3. New in Science Magazine this week:
Fusion article in Science: Twisted Logic Science-2015-Clery-369-7
BIOCHAR (aka Terra Preta):
see BIOCHAR PAGE/TAB: https://denverclimatestudygroup.com/?page_id=28
The potential for land-based biological CO2 removal to lower future atmospheric CO2 concentration BY TIM LENTON
Sustainable biochar to mitigate global climate change Woolf et al.
VIDEO ON NIMBY: by Dr. Patrick Devine-Wright showed in class: no public videos but several articles by him – google him and see what you find. The little I found:
- Beyond NIMBYism: towards an integrated framework for understanding public perceptions of wind energy http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/we.124/abstract
- Rethinking NIMBYism: The role of place attachment and place identity in explaining place-protective action: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/casp.1004/abstract
Future Adaptation issues: sustainability
Other class coverage: related to AR5/WGII:
§ II: IPCC CLIMATE CHANGE REPORT/Working Group II (WGII): Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability – volume 2, April 2014; especially see:
Summary for Policymakers (SPM)
Graphics — choose chapter and then right-click
OTHER LINKS from 2014 OLLI course:
- WEEK 6 2014: CLICK HERE – PARTICULARLY National center for Science Education (NCSE)
- WEEK 7 2014: CLICK HERE – PARTICULARLY portions related to Adaptation & Sustainability
Field trip to National Ice Core Lab
Link: National Ice Core Laboratory
Thursday November 5th, 2015 9 TO 11:30
- Core lab Summary (from 2011 field trip); PDF document USGS Rock CORE Lab and Ice CoreLab field trip
- Ice core lab field trip and presentation by Richard Nunn
- PowerPoint that Richard Nunn showed us 9/30/2014: so far unable to upload (32 MB max size) since it is 227,482 KB – bring flash drive and I can give you a copy next class. It’s so large because it includes the embedded videos.
- GO HERE FOR PDF “SLIDES”: in PDF format of the PowerPoint but smaller file size; I’m asking for on online link/stay tuned: click here
- week 3 email #1 SENT 10/2/2014 (OLLI climate change week3 email1)
NICL – Video gallery link: How to drill a two-mile ice core – and more: http://www.waisdivide.unh.edu/multimedia/video.shtml
- And from Richard Nunn (NICL): Here is an article on the faster than expected warming of the oceans http://www.nature.com/nclimate/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nclimate2389.html
And finally this was one of the better articles I could find on the record sea ice extent of Antarctica. https://www.nasa.gov/content/goddard/antarctic-sea-ice-reaches-new-record-maximum/index.html#.VDVSLSldUpM