OLLI WEEK 5/2016

WEEK 5: Wednesday April 27th , 9:30-11:30 a.m.:
Skepticism vs. Denial: The issues, the disinformation campaign, the ideology and psychology

1. 13 Misconceptions about Global Warming

2. Five characteristics of science denial

3. The Psychology of denial – The Worldview Backfire Effect

4. Industry positions: past and present

5. Disinformation campaigns and motivations

6. Solutions; among them: Carbon Fee and Dividend

 slides: Belanger week 5 2016 skepticism vs denial pptx; Belanger week 5 2016 skepticism vs denial; pdf


Other links – not covered in class:

Industry positions: past and present:

Exxon’s past role: Exxons Climate Concealment NOreskes-NYTimes

vs. Current positions of Exxon and others:

EXXON-MOBIL: http://www.exxonmobilperspectives.com/2015/05/06/exxonmobil-paris-and-carbon-policy/

SHELL: http://www.shell.com/global/environment-society/environment/climate-change.html

Chevron: http://www.chevron.com/documents/pdf/CVX_Climate_Principles.pdf

Conoco Phillips: lame links to being “sustainable climate change position is fully aligned with out vision” http://www.conocophillips.com/search/Pages/default.aspx?k=climate%20change

BP: you have to search at bp.com to find statements (vs. US sites); see various links athttp://www.bp.com/en/global/corporate/search.html?q=climate+change&_charset_=UTF-8  and in this one citing 6 companies seeking carbon pricing:http://www.bp.com/en/global/corporate/press/press-releases/oil-and-gas-majors-call-for-carbon-pricing.html

Republican pledges $175 million to push party on climate  Read more:


Global Food Companies Unite On Climate Action

In Joint Letter Released Today, Chief Executive Officers of 10 Leading Food Companies Call on U.S. and World Leaders to Act Swiftly and Decisively: http://www.ceres.org/press/press-releases/global-food-companies-unite-on-climate-action

 Carbon fee/dividend:




Scientific evidence for global climate change is overwhelming, yet the American public remains skeptical. History provides…Read More ›

  • George Marshall: Climate change — the greatest story never told | TEDxWWF (click here)