2017 – for older, prior to 2017 – scroll down
MONDAYS: 2017 OLLI WEST – ADAPTING TO CLIMATE CHANGE: Extreme Weather Events, Worldwide Energy Revolution, and Geoengineering Options – Particularly BIOCHAR -Paul Belanger and Phil Nelson
week 1 March 27, 2017
- Introductions
- Key principles of climate change
- The difference between weather and climate
- Climate system: Sun, Orbital factors and Greenhouse Gases
- Atmospheric circulation and Water vapor
- What determines Earth’s climate
- Paul Belanger and Phil Nelson: slides and links
- PDF: Belanger OLLI WEST ADAPTING to climate change week1 final edit2
- Pptx: Belanger OLLI WEST ADAPTING to climate change week1 final
- PDF: Nelson week 1-TheCO2Thermostat
- Pptx: PHN1-TheCO2Thermostat
- AAAS: whatweknow_report_climate
- Debunking_Handbook from Skeptical science.com
Week 2: Extreme Weather: heat, drought, fires
- PDF-Part A: PHN2A-TooMuchHeat-HeatWaves
- PDF-Part B: PHN2B-TooMuchHeat-Drought&Wildfires
- PPTX-PARTA: PHN2A-TooMuchHeat-HeatWaves
- PPTX-PART B: PHN2B-TooMuchHeat-Drought&Wildfires
week 3: Extreme Weather: water
- PDF – PHN3-TooMuchWater
- Pptx – PHN3-TooMuchWater
week 4: Pricing Carbon & Intro to Energy Revolution
- Part A – Pricing Carbon
- PDF – PHN4-PricingCarbon
- Pptx – PHN4-PricingCarbon
- Part B – Intro to the Energy Revolution
- PDF – Belanger OLLI WEST ADAPTING-Energy revolution week4
- Pptx – Belanger OLLI WEST ADAPTING-Energy revolution week4
week 5: World-wide Energy Revolution: SOLAR AND WIND
- PDF – Belanger OLLI WEST ADAPTING-Energy revolution week5
- Pptx – Belanger OLLI WEST ADAPTING-Energy revolution week5
- Units – Power Energy CO2 and Carbon UNITS
- Science Article: Science Mag Terawatt scale PV 20170414
- Key world energy statistics: KeyWorld2016 energy statistics
week 6, May 1: Part A: Nuclear power (fission and fusion); Part B: Storage and Grid Options (large or small) Extras:
- Part A – Pdf – Belanger OLLI WEST wk6 PART A – nuclear
- Part A – Pptx – Belanger OLLI WEST wk6 PART A – nuclear
- Part B – Pdf – Belanger OLLI WEST wk6 PART B storage and grid options
- Part B – Pptx – Belanger OLLI WEST wk6 PART B storage and grid options
- EXTRAS – Pdf – Belanger OLLI WEST wk6 EXTRAS
- EXTRAS – Pptx – Belanger OLLI WEST wk6 EXTRAS without link to large simulation
- Hansen: Hansen 20140310_ChinaOpEd
- Hansen: Hansen 20140313_SenateTestimony
- Energy Systems Integration Lab
- 1:30-3:00 p.m.; please aim to be there 12:45 p.m.
- GOVERNMENT ID: CDL / passport
NREL Education Center: 15013 Denver West Parkway Golden, CO 80401; Google maps :google map link
- PART A – GEOENGINEERING INTRO – slides updated 5/15 p.m.:
- PDF – Belanger week 8 2017 PART-A-Geoengineering options
- Pptx – Belanger week 8 2017 PART-A-Geoengineering options
- PART B – Biochar – by Ron Larson (Ronal Larson: Bio)
- PDF – Larson – biochar PART B -BIOCHAR2017
- Pptx – Larson – biochar PART B -BIOCHAR2017
- PART C – Personal solutions compilation
- PDF –
- Pptx –
THURSDAYS: 2017 OLLI SOUTH – EARTH’S CLIMATE: Past, Present and Future; Concerns and Solutions
Week 1 March 30, 2017
- Introductions
- Key principles of climate change
- The difference between weather and climate
- Climate system: feedbacks, cycles and self-regulation (climate, not government)
- What determines Earth’s climate
- PDF – Belanger OLLI SOUTH EARTHS CLIMATE week1 final
- PowerPoint-download: Belanger OLLI SOUTH EARTHS CLIMATE week1 final
- Handout #1 Denial101x HOW GHGs work
- Handout #2 Solar heat budget modified
- Link to videos on How GHGs work:
- – Increasing Greenhouse effect
- – Bill Nye “CLIMATE 101″ WITH BILL NYE
- AAAS: whatweknow_report_climate
- How Does the Public’s View of Science Go So Wrong – Scientific American Blog Network
- Lost Faith in Expertise
Week 2: Earth’s past climate history and what caused those changes: slides and other links
- slides:
- Pptx: Belanger OLLI SOUTH CLIMATE week2 slides
- PDF: Belanger OLLI SOUTH CLIMATE week2 slides
- Handout – handouts week 2
- Further explanation of Isotopic fractionation: 2 slides included in slides above: O18 fractionation;
- VERY GOOD supplemental article to explain isotopes: isotopes explained L16-N
Week 3: Rates of change & Ocean Acidification
- PDF – Belanger OLLI south week3 slides
- Pptx: – Belanger OLLI south week3 slides
- Another slide presentation on Global warming today:
Dr. Jeff Masters, Director of Meteorology, The Weather Underground, LLC; Earth’s Climate: Where are we at, and where are we headed (click here: PowerPoint-11Mb or PDF-4Mb) - And keep looking at skepticalscience.com/
- And here’s a list of videos: let me know if you have a favorite one and/or would like further discussion in class: click here for details
Week 4: The Anthropocene by Bob Raynolds
- PDF – Olli Anthropocene Oct 2017
- Pptx – TOO large to upload; contact me if you wish for them
- Bob Raynolds April 2017 talk
Week 5: April 27th: finish Ocean Acidification; modeling climate; proceed to Skepticism and Denial
- PART A: PDF – Belanger OLLI south week5 PART A cont week 4 slides
- PART A: Pptx – Belanger OLLI south week5 PART A cont week 4 slides
- Royal Society Q&A: Belanger joint NAS-Royal Society answers to 20 points
- PART B: PDF – PART B Belanger week 5 2016 skepticism vs denial
- PART B: Pptx – PART B Belanger week 5 2016 skepticism vs denial
- Links:
- MUST WATCH: 13 Misconceptions About Global Warming https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWXoRSIxyIU&feature=youtu.be
- Five Characteristics of Science Denial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXA777yUndQ&feature=youtu.be
- Yale study: http://environment.yale.edu/poe/v2014
- World view backfire effect: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtSk03efSqQ&feature=youtu.be
DIRECTIONS – from Highway 6:
Take the Kipling exit and head south toward Alameda
Before you reach Alameda there is an entry gate to check in – ask directions if the following map doesn’t make sense to you;
click on image for larger
Week 6: USGS-ICE CORE LAB TOUR Thursday May 4th, 2017 –Link: National Ice Core Laboratory
- Core lab Summary (from 2011 field trip); PDF document USGS Rock CORE Lab and Ice CoreLab field trip
- Ice core lab field trip and presentation by Geoff Hargreaves and/or Richard Nunn
- slides: https://denverclimatestudygroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/New-NICL-Tour-H.pdf
2 videos: see me for copies (too big to load) - NICL – Video gallery link: How to drill a two-mile ice core has gone away but replaced by more: here’s NICL link to their videos; http://www.waisdivide.unh.edu/gallery/videos.shtml
- And from Richard Nunn (NICL): Here is an article on the faster than expected warming of the oceans http://www.nature.com/nclimate/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nclimate2389.html
- And finally this was one of the better articles I could find on the record sea ice extent of Antarctica. https://www.nasa.gov/content/goddard/antarctic-sea-ice-reaches-new-record-maximum/index.html#.VDVSLSldUpM
Week 7: Economics and Solutions – part A; What are the economics/What are the solutions?
- PDF – Belanger week 7 2017 economics and solutions without grid demo
- Pptx – Belanger week 7 2017 economics and solutions without grid demo
- OUTLINE: see slides
- David Weisberg slides: Energy – Nuclear Power
- class attachments and links:
- Richard Alley excerpt from Earth; a driver’s manual – to those that think problems are insurmountable: A terrible shower
- Economic related reports and the discount rate: SEE LINKS IN SLIDES
Week 8: What are the economics/What are the solutions?
- OUTLINE: week 7 in red; week 8 in black
- Economics
- of doing nothing (solely adapting) vs. the economics of mitigation
- Actual will likely be a combination
- Capitalism, GDP/growth based economics vs. “Herman Daly” economics (no-growth/steady-state)
- Solutions? Paradigm shift? From we can’t/too expensive to WE CAN
- There is promise, but at what cost? (One might be surprised).
- Energy
- Mitigation – Agricultural revolution/biofuels: Biochar for Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR)
- Geoengineering:
- Solar Radiation Management (SRM) and
- Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR)
- Biochar vs. BECCS solutions SEE MY BIOCHAR LINK IN OTHER PAGES:https://denverclimatestudygroup.com/?page_id=28
- Efficiency – the single quickest way to reduce:
- What NREL is doing: Efficiency, Solar, wind, other
- Other strategies:
- CCL – carbon fee/dividend
- Cap and trade?
- Gloom and Doom? NO! IT’S A CHALLENGE, and humanity has always been challenged and we are an adaptable species that has met the challenge over and over again!
SLIDES -forthcoming
David Weisberg slides: Energy – Nuclear Power
class attachments and links:
- Richard Alley excerpt from Earth; a driver’s manual – to those that think problems are insurmountable: A terrible shower
Economic related reports and the discount rate:
- 2015 The Social Cost of Carbon study summary
- 2007.03.18 Discount Rate and Climate Change DLC
- Stern Report: (Wiki link)700-page report released for the British government on 30 October 2006 by economist Nicholas Stern, chair of the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment at the London School of Economics (LSE) and also chair of the Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy (CCCEP) at Leeds University and LSE. The report discusses the effect of global warming on the world economy. Although not the first economic report on climate change, it is significant as the largest and most widely known and discussed report of its kind. FULL REPORT: sternreview_report_complete
- MIT: GOOGLE LIST OF LINKS: https://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=mit+report+on+climate+change+economics&hl=en&as_sdt=0&as_vis=1&oi=scholart&sa=X&ved=0CBsQgQMwAGoVChMIkMfkl8i9yAIVSuJjCh1x7wKk
- William Nordhaus, current president of the American Economics Association (AEA), has proposed a specific form of international conditional cooperation to limit carbon emissions—the “climate club.” His proposal, like the journal article mentioned above, favors setting a global price on carbon emissions rather than quantity-based goals. Nations within the climate club would trade freely with each other without tariffs; nonmember nations that wish to trade with club members would face tariffs.
Nordhaus briefly describes the “free rider” problem and his proffered solution as a lead-in to his recent review of the book, Climate Shock. Here’s the link to the NY Review of Books website:
In a different format, Nordhaus produced a 30-slide PowerPoint version for his Presidential address to the AEA last January. Available at http://carbon-price.com/wp-content/uploads/2015-01-04-Nordhaus-ClimateClubAEA-v2-slides.pdf
Week 8: PART B
- PDF updated 5 p.m.- –Belanger week 8 2017 economics and solutions
Our major problem is our own Apathy and Inertia / Lack of Political will
- – PDF-updated01: Belanger April 7th lecture
- – Pptx-updated01: Belanger April 7th lecture
- *************************************************
- OLDER – 2014-2016:
- Archived: Earth’s climate: Past, present and future; concerns and solutions:
- 2016 OLLI course: click here
- 2015 OLLI course: click here
- 2014 OLLI course: click here.
- Facilitator: Paul Belanger;pebelanger@glassdesignresources.com; cell 303-249-7966