OLLI – week 8 November 4th, 2014
Welcome to the Anthropocene
Welcome to class 8/last class Tuesday November 4th, 2014 9:30-11:30
- Tuesday November 4th, 9:30-11:30 a.m.: conclusion
- Welcome to the Anthropocene
- Looking ahead
- Your carbon footprint
- Is the future of our climate still in our hands?
- Wrap-up
Detailed Syllabus: WORD DOC; PDF DOCUMENT
Summary for Policy makers: CLICK HERE
Longer report (167 pp.): CLICK HERE
SLIDES: 2 Mb-PDF – CLICK HERE; FOR PowerPoint 48Mb – click here)
Economist Article, November 2, 2014, courtesy of Stan Hamilton – The Economist explains_synthesis report:
Welcome to the Anthropocene
Economist Article May 26, 2011 The geology of the planet:Welcome to the Anthropocene
The human race stands at the dawn of a new epoch of Earth’s history. An epoch which could see changes in the Earth’s climate that will change the face of our planet. Welcome to the Anthropocene. MOOC U. Exeter video 3’31”
Article: The Anthropocene
The word has entered the scientific and popular literature as a vivid expression of the degree of environmental change on planet Earth caused by humans.
Humans are now drivers of environmental change on a scale that is unique in Earth’s history.
Human driven biological, chemical and physical changes to the Earth’s system are so great, rapid and distinct that they may characterize an entirely new epoch – The Anthropocene.
How might it affect you?
One feature of the changing climate of the Anthropocene is likely to be a rise in sea levels. How might sea level rise affect you? Consider environmental, social and economic impacts.
The future of the climate is still in our hands, New Scientist October 4, 2013
Action – video 6’14” (U. Exeter 8.4); think global, act local and remember Biochar
Your carbon footprint
What is meant by your carbon footprint?
The Energy Saving Trust has a useful website that defines what is meant by a carbon foot print as well as looking at what measures might be taken to reduce them. http://www.energysavingtrust.org.uk/
CALCULATE YOUR CARBON FOOTPRINT: terrapass.com/carbon-footprint-calculator or investigate this site: https://www.gov.uk/search?q=carbon+footprint+calculator
Is the future of our climate still in our hands?
New Scientist: Sea level rise: Drowning in numbers
New MOOC course that starts November 9th, 2015 for 5 weeks:https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/our-changing-climate; Different length and University. Same middlemen as the MOOC course I took from University of Exeter in February 2014 whose syllabus was a model and some of whose videos I showed in class.
Other MOOC courses OF ALL KINDS OF TOPICS – go here: https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/categories